Uptime Institute Consulting Services

Data center infrastructure systems are rated by the Uptime Institute (UI), an international independent institution. Rating and certification by UI is completely advisory and is not mandatory for a data center. Institutions with data centers receive certification at Tier-1, 2, 3 and 4 levels for their data center halls for reasons such as quality, prestige and sustainable operation. Strong communication between UI demands and data center owners during the certification process will reduce time losses and increase quality. Consulting services are provided to data center owners who want to receive these certificates on the following topics.

Determining the deficiencies of the existing data center according to the targeted certification program (GAP Analysis)

UI Design Certification Processes (Tier Certification of Design Document)

UI Building Certification Processes (Tier Certification of Constructed Facility)

UI Sustainable Operation Certification Processes (Tier Certification of Operational Sustainability)

Field inspections and accompaniments during the certification process